Sale Start Date
Sale Address
Government and Judicial Center, conference room B
1301 Second Avenue
Conway , South Carolina 29528
Aggregate Sale Amount
Bid Procedures
Bid Up or Premium
Auction Type
Redeemable Deed
Additional Sale Specifics:
You must register in order to bid. Registration fee is $25.00, applications will be on our website. You may also register the day of the sale beginning at 7:30 a.m. Online pre-registration is encouraged. Once the sale starts a bidder will not be allowed to participate in the sale until they have completed their registration and have been issued a bidder number.
This is an open bid sale, and bidders must use their numbered bidder cards to place a bid. The delinquent tax collector will present the opening bid, which is made on behalf of the Forfeited Land Commission, and will consist of all delinquent taxes, penalties and costs plus the current year’s taxes. The delinquent tax collector will announce the properties for sale in alphabetical order as they appear in the newspaper ads and will provide the owner’s assigned Item number, name and tax map number/PIN number. A $450.00 title search and deed prep charge will be added to each property sold.